I'm looking to interview people who coach or have been coached. Is that you?

That's me!

The Way of the Artful Entrepreneur

I help entrepreneurs tap into their inner artist and bring their essence to customers.

Producing & Guidance
for Artful Entrepreneurs

My clients don't fit the mold of a “traditional” entrepreneur.

They come to me for a dedicated space and active partnership to develop the soul of their work.

They are attracted to my process of drawing out the essence of their product or service. An approach to realizing their unique calling and moving into the market with confidence and integrity.

If you believe building a business isn't just an achievement, but an opportunity to live artfully, then I'm eager to work together!

Stay in the loop

Subscribe to learn how to live as an Artful Entrepreneur

Work with me

Let's work together!

Meet me in The Clearing

A talk show about livin' artfully

Folks I've worked with:


  • It felt like we weren't just collaborating on, but discovering, a product. We were finding its value and use through it's meaning in the world.

    Dave opened my eyes to the many other paths the product could take and gave me the confidence to be patient while cultivating inspiration.

    — T - founder

  • Working with Dave and Kristen has consistently expanded my mind. I've learned a lot from watching how they can take powerful but abstract design and philosophy concepts and translate them into actual user experiences.

    I gained appreciation for the importance of communities of practice, and for building authentic communities alongside products.

    They have also helped me articulate the values shaping our tech, for example making technology more playful, collaborative and ergonomic.

    Our group sessions feel extraordinarily creative for ideation and brainstorming, I haven't been in many groups where the collective intelligence is so palpable.

    — R - founder

  • Working with Kristen and Dave feels like playing in a giant sandbox. I don't need to hold everything; I can just bring my creativity and experience and play with the other people bringing their own perspectives and contributions. And together, through this space we get to understand each other and emerge something that we wouldn't have otherwise found. It feels fun and energizing

    — J - Co-founder

  • Working with Kristen and Dave is fun and enlightening. Not only have they worked through many of the organization design challenges I encounter, but they make engaging with these challenges an enjoyable experience.

    They helped me realize that productive and healthy collaboration requires a social attunement beyond what can be formally systematized, requiring one to be as mindful as one is procedural.

    Jamming with these two is always a good time!

    — S - founder

  • I've had the pleasure of brainstorming and community building with Kristen and Dave for about two years. They bring a unique holistic perspective across design, technical and social aspects of technology.

    Dave has an uncanny ability to sift through massive amounts of information and identify novel trends long before they're a thing.

    Kristen is a master convener, she's so good at creating groups spaces that she can make Zoom calls feel magical.

    — R - founder

  • Working with Kristen & Dave is like being a teenager and entering the newest video game arcade room in town with all your friends and you never want to leave this paradise.

    They rephrase and always find a way to make explicit [10x better of course] what we were trying to express.

    Working with them is like meeting an enthusiastic future version of yourself, coming back to whisper a few secrets to help you see & think clearly.

    — K - co-founder

  • When I work with Dave & Kristen I feel able to play freely. They're serious about play. They offer encouragement & space to give young ideas the room to grow.

    They were the first people I brought my work to when I sensed it called for a playground to safely kick the tires.

    If you could benefit from a space to cohere your thinking, Dave & Kristen will facilitate a nourishing and flourishing environment.

    — P - founder, ceo

  • If you are creating something important and meaningful, big or small, working with Choicing Down will help you feel into why as well as why not. They help you get to the essence of what the thing is so you can design and build from there, and leave a lot of the other baggage behind.

    — T - Founder

  • Working with Choicing Down often feels like flow. Floating down an infinite river, endless paths in front of me. Maybe rushing down a fast section of the river, maybe at a fork, maybe in an eddy. Dave & Kristen help me reorient to the here & now. They act as guides. Reminding me to look around. Feel. Not get too caught up. They drop into the energetic flow easily and meet me where I’m at.

    In our interactions I often come away with new language for understanding something I had in myself already. This is so useful because I can share this new understanding, the feeling or sensation, with others. This is a kind of wisdom.

    — C - Founder / CTO

Hi there! I'm Dave...

I spent the first half of my life figuring out how to make a living as a creative.

This was a journey of lightness and darkness that passed through co-founding two 7 figure businesses.

In the process, I learned a lot about keeping my artistic soul intact while serving customers.

Now, I'm called to share what I've experienced and help others find their way as Artful Entrepreneurs.

I look forward to hearing your story.

Stay in the loop

Subscribe to learn how to live as an Artful Entrepreneur

Slow grown in Austin, TX